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Monday, September 15, 2003

Birth of a Blogger

Multiple births, actually. It's not often you get to watch 28 people start their own blogs all at once. I'm teaching a section of EDTEC 470 just for pre-service English and Foreign Language teachers and this year I decided that blogging was a perfect technology to introduce them to. By dealing with the terror of self-disclosure and the joy and trepidation of a world-wide audience, they will experience some interesting issues that should be useful down the road. If things work out, they'll set up similar environments for their own kids a year from now.

Visit the 470 Faces page and watch the world through their eyes. Tamara Cogan, Ryan Haas and Michael Heu are particularly fun to read. Marcia Reisch, a special ed teacher, is writing her blog from the point of view of the pet turtle in her classroom. Although the class has only met twice and they've only been blogging for 6 days, I feel as though I know many of them better than I knew last year's class at semester's end. This is a humanizing technology!
