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Friday, December 26, 2003

"Hot and Trendy": Social Software: Blog, Wiki, RRS, Moodle...

This topic has really got me hooked. A blog Many-to-Many is dedicated to social software.
“Well, nobody's sure exactly what social software is, exactly, but it sure is a hot topic these days.”-- http://topicexchange.com/t/social_software/about

A group of scholars in China just held a symposium about social software, what it is, its impact, and how can it be used in teaching and learning. This will make a great dissertation topic!

Here is an article to start with:
Kaplan-Leiserson, E. (December 2003). We-Learning: Social Software and E-Learning. Retrieved, from the World Wide Web: http://www.learningcircuits.org/2003/dec2003/kaplan.htm

Saturday, December 20, 2003

The encyclopedia constructed by volunteers

This is striking. Hope you find it interesting, arguable too.

--An introduction to wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Wikipedians are the people who write and edit articles for Wikipedia. There are currently more than 800 confessed contributors (although there are over 34,000 user accounts and an unknown number of anonymous contributors). This arguably makes a community - see m:The Wikipedia Community. To understand how we cooperate (and fail to or refuse to), please read meta.wikipedia.org. To read testimonies or theories about what motivates different people to participate in the project, see Wikipedia:Who, Why?
Here are different listings of all the contributors who have chosen to put their names. There are no particular requirements for Wikipedians' personal pages; some people write up a biography, some don't; some Wikipedians maintain a private catalogue of their work, some don't. Different listing methods have been created due to demand. If you put your name on a geographical listing such as Wikipedians/Australians, please don't neglect also to include your name on the alphabetical list.

Weblog in China

Amazing! A group of Chinese scholars (who knows how many) are compiling a WeblogPedia at: http://www.cnblog.org/wiki/
It's quite bilingual but in an unusual way--Chinese interweaving with English, the Chin-English. Languages are getting married in this age. Hope you find this site exciting too.

Response: Adkins blast (for Bill Brandon)

>Hi, Allison -
>I wanted to leave a response on EdTech Beach, but couldn't see where to
>do that. So my response is on my weblog, at
>I don't buy Sam's argument, and I am amazed at the number of people who
>just jumped in and agreed with him (evidently not understanding that he
>has an agenda).
>Have a good holiday, and I hope to see you at a conference again one of
>these days.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Discovered a New World!

A group of E-learning Bloggers in China. I'll translate some of the good pieces from time to time. It's fascinating to be able to see what's going on in that big and restless country.
